Collection: WaveLight® Casonara Light Box Displays

Experience Illumination with WaveLight® Casonara Light Box Displays

At 123 Displays, we understand the importance of making your brand shine at trade shows, events, and retail shops. That's why we proudly introduce our innovative WaveLight® Casonara Backlit Displays. These cutting-edge displays are designed to breathe new light into your brand's presence, creating an unforgettable impact in any setting.

Breathe Life into Your Brand

WaveLight® Casonara Light Box Displays offer a breath of fresh air for your brand's visual representation. Whether you're preparing for an exhibit, event, or enhancing your retail shop, these displays are your key to standing out in the crowd.

The Power of Illumination

Our WaveLight® Casonara Light Box Displays are built around the concept of illuminating your brand with style. These tension fabric light boxes are not just any ordinary displays; they are designed to make your backlit trade show booths, exhibits, and retail spaces shine brighter than ever.

Key Features

Portable, Modular, and Customizable

We know the value of flexibility, so our WaveLight® Casonara Light Box Displays are designed to be portable, modular, and customizable. No matter where you want to make your brand's presence known, these displays adapt to your needs with ease.

Vibrant Tension Fabric Graphics

The secret behind the brilliance of WaveLight® Casonara Light Box Displays lies in their vibrant tension fabric graphics. These graphics illuminate from the inside out, creating a stunning and captivating visual experience for your audience.

LED Light Arrays for Maximum Visibility

To ensure your brand is seen and remembered, our displays feature LED light arrays. These arrays cast an even and ultra-bright glow, enhancing your brand's visibility on any exhibit floor or in a retail environment.

Product Line

123 Displays offers a versatile product line of WaveLight® Casonara Backlit Displays, including:

  • Backlit Walls
  • Backlit Towers
  • Backlit Counters
  • Backlit Hanging Signs

Choose the display that best suits your specific needs and branding.

Effortless Assembly with Bungy Corded Tubing

Assembly is a breeze with our unique bungy corded tubing system, making the setup process smooth and hassle-free. Say goodbye to complicated displays that eat up your time.

Customizable SEG Light Box Walls

Our WaveLight® Casonara SEG Light Box Walls add another layer of versatility to your brand's presentation. The SEG tension fabric light box offers a customizable backdrop for your backlit graphics, making your brand's message truly unique.

Embrace the Power of Illumination

Elevate your brand's presence with the WaveLight® Casonara Light Box Displays. These displays bring an unparalleled level of customization, portability, and brilliance to your exhibit, event, or retail environment.

123 Displays is your partner in making your brand shine brighter than ever. Let our WaveLight® Casonara Light Box Displays be your secret to captivating your audience, wherever your brand goes. Illuminate your brand's future – contact us today to explore the range of WaveLight® Casonara Displays that will set your brand apart. Your brand's success is our top priority, and we're here to help you achieve it. Stand out and shine with 123 Displays.

Explore More at 123 Displays

While you’re upgrading your trade show game, check out our other fantastic products:

Each product is crafted with meticulous attention to detail and quality, ensuring your brand always looks its best. Let's make your next trade show a smashing success!