Collection: ONE CHOICE - Qseg

ONE CHOICE - Qseg: Affordable Social Distancing Solutions

At 123 Displays, we understand the importance of maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for employees and customers, especially in today's world where health and safety regulations are a top priority. Our QSEG Single Frames provide a cost-effective and high-quality solution to address social distancing concerns in various work environments.

Prime Quality and Outstanding Value

We take pride in offering the best price for QSEG Single Frames without compromising on the quality. Our QSEG frames are designed to meet the highest standards, ensuring durability and long-term usage. You'll find good quality and a price that suits your budget, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses of all sizes.

Versatile Social Distancing Solutions

Whether you need to create partitions in office spaces, cubicle walls for added privacy, or establish safe distances between employees and customers, our Qseg frames provide a versatile solution. These lightweight and portable frames can be strategically placed to maintain the required physical distance without the need for complex installations.

Anti-Microbial Fabric for Added Protection

In today's world, health and safety are paramount. To offer additional peace of mind, our QSEG frames come with anti-microbial fabric. This added layer of protection helps create a safer work environment by reducing the risk of contamination.

Unmatched Flexibility with Backwall Displays

The Qseg frames are compatible with various backwall displays, making them a versatile choice for any setting. Create designated areas for employees or customers while maintaining an open and inviting atmosphere in your work environment.

Count on 123 Displays

At 123 Displays, we're committed to providing the best solutions for your display and partitioning needs. Our ONE CHOICE - Qseg frames are designed to meet today's requirements for social distancing, safety, and flexibility.

Choose Quality, Choose Safety, Choose Qseg

Invest in the best for your employees and customers. Explore our range of QSEG Single Frames and enjoy the perfect blend of good quality, affordability, and peace of mind in the face of today's health and safety challenges.

Make the ONE CHOICE that guarantees a safer tomorrow with Qseg frames from 123 Displays.