Collection: ONE CHOICE - Fabric Pop Up

ONE CHOICE - Fabric Pop Up Displays

Trade shows and exhibits demand displays that are not only eye-catching but also quick and easy to set up, all while remaining budget-friendly. At 123 Displays, we understand the unique needs of exhibitors, which is why we offer the ONE CHOICE - Fabric Pop Up line of displays. Whether you need a One Choice 8 ft Fabric Display for those on-the-go events or a larger 10 ft option, these displays are designed to meet your specific requirements.

ONE CHOICE - Fabric Pop Up Options

  • One Choice 8 ft Fabric Display: This display is perfect for those who need a compact and efficient solution. Its 2-minute setup time and lightweight frame make it the ideal choice for on-the-go exhibitors.
  • One Choice 10 ft Fabric Pop Up: If you need more space for your message, our 10 ft option has you covered. With the same fast setup and convenient features, it's designed to meet the demands of larger exhibits.

123 Displays offers the best price and easy best value on these budget-friendly trade show displays. If you're looking for a quick, easy, and affordable solution that doesn't compromise on quality, our ONE CHOICE - Fabric Pop Up displays are the answer.

Elevate your trade show exhibits with the ONE CHOICE - Fabric Pop Up line from 123 Displays. Contact us today via e-mail or chat for more information or to place an order. Quick, easy, and affordable displays have never been this accessible!

Quick and Convenient Set-Up

One of the standout features of our ONE CHOICE - Fabric Pop Up displays is their rapid and hassle-free setup. These displays are perfect for exhibitors who are always on the move. With an aluminum alloy frame and plastic hooks, you can effortlessly lock everything in place. The hook & loop graphic attachment ensures that setting up is as easy as 1-2-3.

Interchangeable Graphics for Versatility

Our One Choice Fabric Pop Up Displays offer interchangeability, giving you the freedom to switch out graphics as needed. This feature makes them an incredibly versatile choice for various events, from trade shows to in-office promotional tools.

Functional for Special Events and In-Office Use

The One Choice Fabric Pop Up Displays are not limited to special events; they also serve as effective in-office promotional tools. When walk-in customers enter your space, these displays can instantly convey your message or promote products and services.

Lightweight and Convenient

The aluminum alloy frame keeps the display lightweight, making it easy to transport and set up. Additionally, the display is complete with a black nylon carry bag that ensures convenient storage and transport. The graphics can stay attached to the frame, so you're always ready to go.