Collection: Custom Exhibits

Elevate Your Brand with Custom Exhibits from 123 Displays

At 123 Displays, we understand the pivotal role that custom exhibits play in helping your brand make a lasting impact. Our commitment to quality and innovation ensures that your custom exhibition stand reflects your company ethos and captures attention in an eye-catching way. Whether you're looking for a stand that's reusable, extendable, or reconfigurable, our diverse range of solutions, including Lightboxes, fabric displays, pop-up banners, Linear Vector stands, linked pop-up stands, Centro exhibition displays, and more, cater to your unique needs. Discover how our custom exhibits can transform your trade show presence from ordinary to extraordinary.

Budget-Friendly Solutions

Balancing Ambitions and Budget for Longer-Term Exhibition Requirements

We work closely with you from concept to creation, ensuring your custom exhibit aligns with your ambitions, budget, and longer-term exhibition requirements. Our range of design options allows you to find the perfect balance between your goals and your budget.

Tailored to Your Brand

Custom Exhibition Stands Designed for Your Brand's Identity

Your brand is the heart and soul of your company. Our custom exhibition stands are meticulously designed to reflect your brand's unique identity, aligning with your company ethos. We understand the importance of conveying your brand language, making sure it resonates with your target audience.

Innovation that Captivates

Innovative Design for Eye-Catching Displays

In the world of trade shows and exhibitions, innovation is the key to capturing attention. Our custom exhibits are designed to be innovative, ensuring that your display stands out in a sea of competitors. We focus on creating eye-catching designs that leave a memorable impression on your audience.

Size, Layout, and Flexibility

Custom Exhibits Tailored to Your Size and Layout Requirements

One size doesn't fit all. Our custom exhibition stands are built to the exact size and layout requirements of your stand space, ensuring a seamless fit. Whether you need a stand that's reusable, extendable, or reconfigurable, we've got you covered.

Unique Shapes and High Quality

Lightboxes and Custom-Made Shapes for a High-Quality Finish

When it comes to custom exhibits, uniqueness and high quality are paramount. We offer a range of options, including Lightboxes and custom-made shapes, to provide a bespoke feel to your display. Our commitment to quality ensures a premium finish that sets you apart.

Versatile Display Solutions

From Fabric Displays to Pop-Up Banners – Versatility is Key

We offer a wide range of display solutions, from fabric displays to pop-up banners, Linear Vector stands to linked pop-up stands, and Centro exhibition displays. These portable stands are versatile, easy to assemble, and ideal for all types of events.

Adaptable Modular Systems

Modular Display Systems – Reconfigured for Every Event

Our modular display systems can be reconfigured to create a different look for every event. By adding new elements, taking away existing ones, and switching up your graphics, you can transform your stand without the need for a complete redesign.

Comprehensive Materials and Finishes

Custom-Build Options Using Wood, Metal, Acrylic, Glass, and More

We have a skilled team of carpenters and CNC machinery to create unique shapes using materials such as wood, metal, acrylic, glass, and inflatable plastics. The possibilities are endless, and our team ensures quality finishes with options like spray paint finish, powder coating, vinyl, and laminated finish.

Elevate your brand with custom exhibits from 123 Displays. We are your partners in success, committed to providing solutions that cater to your unique requirements. With a diverse range of display options, quality craftsmanship, and innovative designs, we transform your trade show presence into a powerful marketing tool. Contact us today to explore the endless possibilities and turn your exhibition space into a captivating brand experience. Your brand deserves the best, and at 123 Displays, we make it possible.