Collection: 17ft - 25ft Shield Towers

Dominate the Exhibition Floor with 17ft-25ft Shield Towers from 123 Displays

Commanding Presence for Major Exhibitions and Trade Shows

When it comes to making a monumental impact at large-scale events, the 17ft-25ft Shield Towers from 123 Displays are your go-to solution. Designed for significant visibility, these towering structures ensure your brand dominates the space at any major exhibition or trade show.

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Designed for Durability and Visual Appeal

The 17ft-25ft Shield Towers blend cutting-edge technology with robust construction. Each tower features:

  • Aluminum Extrusion Framing: Offers unmatched stability and a sleek, modern look that captivates attendees.
  • High-Quality Fabric Graphics: Utilizing the latest in dye-sublimated printing technology, our fabric graphics are both eye-catching and durable, designed to withstand the rigors of frequent use.
  • Customizable Options: Tailor your Shield Tower with a variety of custom graphics and configurations to perfectly align with your brand’s message and aesthetic.

Illuminate Your Brand with Advanced LED Lighting

Enhance the allure of your Shield Tower with optional internal LED lighting. This feature adds a dynamic element to your display, illuminating your graphics and making your booth an irresistible beacon to attendees. Whether you choose to light up the entire tower or highlight specific areas, our LED solutions create stunning visual effects that draw eyes and increase foot traffic.

Effortless Setup and Transportation

Despite their impressive size, our 17ft-25ft Shield Towers are engineered for easy assembly and disassembly. Features include:

  • Snap Button Assembly: Quick and secure connections make setup a breeze.
  • Lightweight Materials: While large, the aluminum and fabric components are easy to handle, ensuring that transportation and storage are hassle-free.
  • Comprehensive Kit: Each tower comes with all necessary components, including frames, graphics, and a wheeled shipping case, making it simple to manage logistics from one event to the next.

Versatile for Various Event Types

Not just for trade shows, these Shield Towers are perfect for conferences, corporate events, and any setting where making a big statement is key. Their imposing height and striking visuals make them ideal centerpieces, capable of transforming any environment into a sophisticated showcase for your brand.

Your Brand with High-Impact Displays

Choosing the 17ft-25ft Shield Towers from 123 Displays means opting for a display solution that not only stands out but also stands up to the demands of large venues and crowds. Invest in these towers to bring a new level of professionalism and presence to your exhibitions, ensuring your brand is not just seen but remembered.