Collection: 17ft - 25ft Backlit Tower Displays

Maximize Impact with 17ft - 25ft Backlit Tower Displays

Dominate the Event Space with Large-Scale Backlit Displays

Step up your presence at major trade shows, expos, and business conferences with our towering 17ft - 25ft Backlit Tower Displays. Designed to capture attention from across the event floor, these displays ensure your brand not only stands out but also dominates the venue with its size and brilliance.

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Features and Benefits of Large Backlit Towers

Our largest backlit tower displays come packed with features designed for maximum visibility and impact:

  • High-Impact Illumination: Equipped with state-of-the-art LED lighting to ensure your displays are vivid and engaging, even in the most competitive event environments.
  • Superior Graphic Quality: Featuring vibrant, dye-sublimated stretch fabric graphics that wrap seamlessly around the display, offering a 360-degree marketing impact.
  • Quick and Easy Setup: Despite their size, these towers are designed for easy assembly. Inflatable options can be set up in minutes and are just as easy to dismantle and transport.

Customization to Fit Your Brand

Tailor your display to the unique needs of your brand with customizable features:

  • Shapes and Sizes: Choose from a variety of shapes including cylinder, triangular, and custom shapes that fit your brand’s unique characteristics.
  • Graphic Options: Opt for pillow case graphics or SEG receptive extrusion frames to match your visual aesthetic and message delivery needs.
  • Modular Configurations: Our backlit towers can be configured to complement other display elements, making them perfect for extensive trade show booth designs.

Versatile Use Across Multiple Venues

The 17ft - 25ft backlit towers are ideal for:

  • Large Trade Shows: Make a bold statement among large crowds and expansive venues.
  • Corporate Events: Establish a commanding presence at company gatherings, product launches, or corporate celebrations.
  • Public Expositions: Attract and engage attendees in spaces like museums, galleries, or public exhibitions.

Seamless Integration with Event Themes

Each tower display can be seamlessly integrated into your overall event theme, enhancing the environment and improving the attendee experience. Whether standing alone or complementing other displays, these backlit towers serve as monumental centerpieces to any event setup.

Begin Your Journey with Impressive Displays

Don’t let your brand get lost in the noise of large events. Elevate your visibility with our 17ft - 25ft Backlit Tower Displays and create a lasting impression that captivates and impresses your audience. Contact 123 Displays today to discover how these large-scale backlit towers can revolutionize your event presence and help your brand shine brighter than ever.